About IAA Journals

International Academic Association Journals (IAAJ) is a registered independent association of academics and professionals whose major aims are delivering supports and services to education professionals and researchers around the world, especially those from the developing countries to publish high quality original research papers.

There are five categories of membership. These are Full, Life, Associate, Corporate and Honorary. Full membership conferred on Full members who have paid their subscription for 5 years or pay 5 years subscription in advance or at any state opt to pay to make up a total of 5 years subscription. Associate membership is open to students of tertiary institutions. Corporate membership is open to firms and other corporate bodies. Honorary membership is conferred on academics who have been a source of inspiration or distinguished benefactors to the Association.
Members in all categories have the right to attend meetings of the Association. Only Full and Life-Members may vote in the election of officers of the Association and are eligible to serve as officers or as members of the Executive Committees.
a) To encourage, promote and popularize science, technology and research in the world.
b) To promote the understanding of all aspects of science, technology, research and encourage the use of the scientific approach in everyday life.
The Associations’ activities include:
a) Organisation of workshops, seminars, symposia, lectures, etc.
b) Organisation of Biennial Conferences of the International Academic Association and lectures, etc.
c) Provision of research grants for projects of national importance.

IAAJ provides rapid authoritative insight and new innovations affecting Science, Technology, Education, Management, Arts, Communication, Social Sciences and the whole World.

The scope of articles for IAA journal includes case studies, theoretical and empirically based research. All manuscript shall be peer reviewed and selection shall be based on the strength of quality, originality and contribution to knowledge.

 Open Access Journal  

Open Access is a publication model that enables the dissemination of research findings to the global community without restriction. Thus, all articles published under open access can be accessed by anyone with internet connection.

 Editorial Board  

Our editorial board makes objective and quick decision on each manuscript and informs the corresponding author within three weeks of submission. If the editorial board accepts the paper, it will be published in the next available issue. Publications are quarterly (three volumes yearly) by International academic association Journals (IAAJ)

 Articles Processing Fees  

International Academic Association Journals is a self supporting association and does not receive funding from any institution/government. Hence, the operation of the journal is solely financed by the processing fees received from authors. The processing fees are required to meet operations expenses such as employees’ salaries, internet services and electricity etc. Being an Open Access Publisher, International academic association Journals does not receive payment for subscription as the journals are freely accessible over the internet.

Authors of articles are required to pay a fair handling fee for processing their articles.  However, there are no submission charges. Authors are required to make payment only after their manuscripts have been accepted for publication.
Handling fee for the various journals is stated in the ‘Instruction for Author’.

 Processing Fees and Policy  

The International academic association journals (IAAJ) is a strong advocate of the Open Access initiative.  Beside, all journals by International academic association journals (IAAJ) are published without restriction to the scientific community. We strongly believe that the open access model will spur researches across the world especially in developing nations as researchers gain unrestricted access to high quality research articles.

It is the policy of International academic association journals (IAAJ) not to request for grants for its operations as grants often fail forcing the organization to discontinue its operations. Rather we have chosen the model of self sustenance through collecting processing fee for articles published.

Authors are required to make payment only after their articles have been accepted. Thus, we resulted to collecting the processing fee once an article has been reviewed and accepted for publication by an editor. Also, most authors receive a partial waiver (usually 20% – 30%) sometimes articles are published free of charge) depending on the country or sponsorship of the author. Processing fees of the various journals are stated in the ‘Instructions for Authors’. Processing fees are usually paid via wire transfer, Western Union or cheques. There are no financial reward for reviewers and editors of the various journals. These positions are purely voluntary.

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