Evaluation of the relationship between Job Safety and Employee Productivity in Public and Private Organizations in Kampala, Uganda.


Eleanor Kirahora Barongo, Tom Mulegi and Mary Tunde Nalubega

This research assessed the relationship between job safety and employee productivity in public and private organizations in Kampala, Uganda. The objective of this research was achieved through descriptive, cross sectional and correlative survey designs. A study population of 484 was earmarked, from which a sample population of 219 respondents was derived using Slovene’s Formula. Data was collected primarily using self-administered questionnaires (SAQs) and structured interviews. An extensive review of literature contributed a significant amount of secondary data.  Findings from this research revealed a positive relationship between job safety and employee performances in public and private organizations (r=0.677) with (sig.0.000<0.05). Also, findings from this research showed a correlation between the two study variables; as job safety increases, employees productivity also increases. The r-value indicates that 67.7% of employee performance is influenced by job safety, implying that the remaining 23.3% of change in employee productivity could be explained by other factors other than Job safety. The study recommended that different stakeholders including government and non-governmental organizations need to put in place mechanisms to ensure that employees are protected from work. The government should also put in place laws aiming at protecting workers against health issues associated with work related Hazards.

Keywords: Job, safety, employee, productivity, public and private.





Eleanor Kirahora Barongo,Tom Mulegi and Mary Tunde Nalubega (2023).Evaluation of the relationship between Job Safety and Employee Productivity in Public and Private Organizations in Kampala, Uganda. IAA Journal of Arts and Humanities, 10(1):62-75.